======= Usage ======= Installation --------------- .. start installation .. installation:: seed_intersphinx_mapping :pypi: :github: :anaconda: :conda-channels: conda-forge, domdfcoding .. end installation .. raw:: latex \bigskip\bigskip\hrule\bigskip .. extensions:: seed_intersphinx_mapping .. latex:clearpage:: Configuration ----------------- .. confval:: pkg_requirements_source The requirements source. This may be one of: * A list of directories (relative to :confval:`repository_root`) in which to search for ``requirements.txt`` files. Any files found will be used to compile the list of requirements. * The string ``'requirements'``. The list of requirements will be determined from the ``requirements.txt`` file in the directory given by the :confval:`repository_root` option. * The string ``'pyproject'`` (or ``'pyproject.toml'``). The list will be parsed from the ``[project.dependencies]`` table of the ``pyproject.toml`` file in the :confval:`repository_root`. .. seealso:: :pep:`621` -- Storing project metadata in pyproject.toml * The string ``'flit'``. The list will be parsed from the ``[tool.flit.metadata.requires]`` table of the ``pyproject.toml`` file in the :confval:`repository_root`. .. confval:: repository_root The path to the repository root, relative to the Sphinx source directory. E.g., for this repository structure: :: . ├── LICENSE ├── README.rst ├── doc-source # <- this is the Sphinx source directory │ ├── index.rst │ └── conf.py ├── requirements.txt # <- this is the file containing the requirements ├── seed_intersphinx_mapping │ └── __init__.py ├── setup.py ├── tests └── tox.ini the value would be ``'..'``, which is the default. Caching -------- ``seed_intersphinx_mapping`` caches the documentation URLs for PyPI packages. The cache can be cleared as follows: .. prompt:: bash python3 -m seed_intersphinx_mapping